
Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day 2019

It's time for the green!  There's not much to say about this, really.  It's green and it is an amazing polish!  I am in love with the thermal polish concept! For this manicure, I used:

* Polish: Colores de Carol - Lucky Me (thermal)
* Stamping polish: Mundo de Unas - Dark Green
* Stamping plate: UberChic Beauty - St. Patrick's Day

This is the cold state - a really pretty kelly green.  It is almost pastel!  Forgive the tip wear; my top coat caused a bit more shrinkage than normal.

Here is the natural or warm state of this polish which goes to a creamy mint green to almost yellow.  I have to say that I like the cold better, but I'm not hanging around outside these days just for that!  I have this on my toes too and it really does help to gauge my body temperature.  LOL!

Not the best picture, but here it is in transition.  This is so fun!

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